08h-10h, March 20th, 2024
EWA at Series Mania had the absolute pleasure of joining forces with Pour Les Femmes Du Média (PFDM) for our first-ever joint Women's Breakfast & Speed Meeting session at the Hôtels Barrière in Lille. This event was hugely oversubscribed, with 200 women applying for a place within minutes of its announcement in the Series Mania programme - we opted for a random draw to fill the 15 places allocated to EWA Network members. Thank you to everyone who - without exception - respectfully agreed and accepted this. We will now work on making the event even bigger for next year!
A huge, huge thank you goes to the wonderful international experts Georgia Brown, Marianne Furevold-Boland and Vanessa Henneman, who not only found time in their busy Series Mania agenda for an but also demonstrated a and that surpassed our expectations.
We’ve heard from both participants and experts how rewarding and necessary this event was, and that’s all we wanted!
EWA’s President, Marit van den Elshout, opened the event for the English speaking delegation, while her opposite number at PFDM - our hosts and co-organizers, did the honours in French. PFDM - Pour les femmes dans les médias, our host and co-organizers.

Many thanks to Sylvie de La Rochefoucauld for inviting us to be partners in this event. Thanks also to Laurence Herszberg, the powerhouse behind Series Mania, and to Bastien Gave and Cyrielle Gendrey for helping us make this event a success. It took a lot of people, work, and coordination to organize a place for women to exchange and learn from each other in the biggest and busiest TV Market in Europe. And we all answered present!