Initiatives for Women
Initiatives for Women in Film
Outside of EWA Network's activities, other initiatives to support women working in the film industry exist across Europe and over the world. A few are listed here. If you have heard of any other initiatives, please send us an email at and we will add them to the list.

- Belgium: Le Boostcamp
- France : Venus Victrix
- France : Lab Femmes de Cinéma
- France: 5050x2020
- Lithuania: Lithuanian Shorts Mentorship
- Spain: Dones Visuals Accio Viver
- Spain: Mostra de Films de Dones
- Turkey : WMC Turkey - Women with Movie Cameras
- UK : WIFTV Mentoring Scheme
- South Mediterranean: A balanced gender approach in audiovisual training and education
- Australia : DOCO 180
- Canada : Apprenticeship Program for Female Directors
- Canada : 2x More
- USA : Chicken and Eggs Pictures
- USA : Women Make Movies
- USA : Women in Film Finishing Fund
- USA : American Film Institute Directing Workshop for Women
- USA : The Future of Film is Female