Other Studies
European film industry studies on gender equality
Facts and figures across Europe
Find a list of the latest studies on gender equality issues in the European film industry here on our website.
- 2023_EAO_Female professionals in European film production - 2023 Edition - P. Simone. European Audiovisual Observatory 2023
- 2023 Le Lab Femmes du Cinéma. Qualitative study on the place of Women Directors
- Parity among film critics in Europe. Le Collectif 5050. Released in 2020.
- Gender gaps in the Cultural and Creative Sectors by European Expert Network on Culture and Audiovisual (EENCA).Released in 2020
- Achieving gender equality and promoting diversity in the European audiovisual sector. Good practices Hand book. March 2020. Executive summaries of the publication are also available in English, French, German and Spanish.
- Gender Equality: Gender Balance in the Cultural and Creative Sectors. Brainstorming report reflecting group discussions during Voices of Culture session. Released in Nov 2019.
- Female Directors in European Cinema: Key Figures 2019, conducted by the European Audiovisual Observatory. Released in Oct 2019
- Gender imbalances in the audiovisual industries, conducted by the European Audiovisual Observatory. Released in Dec 2018.
- FERA/SFE FERA-FSE-Audiovisual-Authors-Remuneration-study_First-results-March-2018
- Achieving greater diversity in broadcasting - special focus on gender; Benefits and best practice approaches, conducted by EPRA. Released in Sept 2018.
- 2nd Film Gender Report (2017-2019)
- Film Gender Report 2012-2016 (Key Findings in English)
- Erster Österreichischer Film-Gender-Report, conducted by the Austrian Film Institut, the Bundeskanzleramt Österreich and the Universität Wien. Released in May 2018.
- Finnish Film Foundation study. 2020
- Guidelines for Doing Intimate Scenes in Camera Work. Finnish Film Fund 2020
- Baromètre de la représentation des femmes à la télévision, conducted by Conseil Superieur de l ' Audiovisuel CSA. Released in Jan 2019.
- La place des femmes dans l’industrie cinématographique et audiovisuelle, conducted by the CNC. Released in Feb 2017.
- Etude sur l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération de réalisatrices européennes, conducted by the Festival des arcs. Released in 2016.
- Où sont les femmes dans la culture? Toujours pas là., conducted by the SACD.
- The time Is now: How Europe’s gender equality initiatives are gaining fresh momentum in the era of MeToo, conducted by the European Film Academy. Released in May 2018.
- Gender und Film, Rahmenbedingungen und Ursachen der Geschlechterverteilung von Filmschaffenden in Schlüsselpositionen in Deutschland conducted by the FFA Filmförderungsanstalt. Released in Feb 2017.
- Gender und Fernsehfilm, a study commissioned by the ZDF and ARD, conducted by the University of Rostock. Released in Feb 2017.
- Stories and films have (no) boundaries, study on the programme diversity of the Berlin international film festival from 1980 to 2016, conducted by the Hochschule for Fernsehen und Film München. Released during Berlinale 2017.
- Cross-cutting study led by the University of Rostock for the investigation on gender representation in German cinemas and on German television with the support of the ARD Degeto and MALisa Stiftung von Maria Furtenglerrelease, ZDF, the RTH-group and ProsiebenSat1. Released in Oct 2017.
- Dea Donne e Audiovisivo, a project from the CNR Istituto di Ricerche sulla popolazione e le politiche sociali, sponsored by the SIAE. A three year project, analyzing the situation for women working in the audiovisual industry in Italy.
- Facts and Figures: Gender Equality, by the Slovenian Film Fund. Released in March 2018.
- DVguide_transformingvisualmedia
- Informe CIMA: la representatividad de las mujeres. Released in 2018.
- Dones al Treball. Per l'Observatori per la Igualtat de gènere.2020
- Which Women_Gender Equality Report_Swedish Film Institutet 2021
- The Money Issue, gender Equality Report 2018, conducted by the Swedish Film Institute. Released in 2018.
- Men and (a few) women in the top 100 international media corporations, conducted by Nodicom. Released in Feb 2018.
- Towards Gender Equality in film production. 2013
United Kingdom
- Female film directors in Europe, a statistical report on production, funding, distribution and reception, 2005-2014, conducted by Huw D Jones, from the University of York, with MeCETES. Released in Feb 2017.
- Succeeding in the film, television and games industries. career progression and the keys to sustained employment for individuals from under-represented groups, report commissioned by the BAFTA and Creative Skill set, with the BFI.
- PRODUCERS’ ROUNDTABLE SURVEY RESULTS, campaign for better accessibility and sustainability of UK Film producers. Released in March 2020.
- BFI Diversity Standards: Initial Findings, conducted by BFI. Released in Jan 2020.
- Diversity and Equal Opportunities in Television: monitoring report on the UK-based broadcasting industry, conducted by Ofcom. Released in Sept 2019.
- Who is Calling the Shots? : gender inequality among screen directors working in UK television, conducted by Directors UK. Released in Aug 2018.
United States
- Inclusion in the Director’s Chair: Analysis of Director Gender & Race/Ethnicity Across 1,300 Top Films from 2007 to 2019. USC Annenberg. Released in Jan 2020.
- The Geena Benchmark Report: 2007-2017, conducted by Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media. Released in 2018.
- WGA Inclusion Report Card: update on 2019 TV staffing season, conducted by the Writers Guild of America WGA. Released in 2019.
- DGA Reports New Inclusion Records in the 2018-19 TV Season, conducted by the Directors Guild of America DGA. Released in Nov 2019.
- Superpowering Women in Science Fiction and Superhero Film: A Ten Year Investigation, conducted by BBC America and Women's Media Center WMC. Released in July 2019.
- Divided 2019: The Media Gender Gap, conducted by the Women's Media Center WMC. Released in Jan 2019.
- WMC Investigation 2019: Gender and Non-Acting Oscar Nominations, conducted by the Women's Media Center WMC. Released in Feb 2019.
- Hollywood Diversity Report 2019: Old story, new beginning, conducted by UCLA. Released in 2019.