
Women in film gathered around 18th Malaga Film Festival

Andalucian Women in film met together at the 18th Malaga Film Festival where there was a strong line-up of women filmmakers in the selection


The Andalucian Association of Women in Audiovisual Media, AAMMA organized within the context of the 18th Malaga Film Festival, the 1st Conference on Cinema and Audiovisual for Gender Equality, including conferences and a Master Class ”How to change the gaze”. EWA Network is proud to support such an initiative and EWA's Deputy Director, Alexia Muiños was there to introduce the event and the European Women's Audiovisual Network.

The conference, by the Gender expert and author, Gema Otero, fostered reflection and debate on current gender perspectives and audiovisual content.

The activities are framed in the section “Supporting Women's Rights” but are addressed to everyone interested.

The activities kicked off on 18 April with the Masterclass “ How to change the gaze." Chantal Pérez, vice-rector of the University, Oliva Acosta, President of AAMMA and Alexia Muiños, EWA's Deputy Director introduced the Masterclass.


More information on the masterclass is available here: information here

The masterclass closed with a screening of Paz Piñar's film "Celebraciones" and a Q&A.

The events will continue on 23 April in the same place with a Conference on Cinema and Audiovisual for Gender Equality. The session will start at 9, with an introductory speech, followed by a Debate on Gender Perspective on Film Fiction, and after the coffee break, another Debate on Gender Perspective on TV Fiction

You are invited to participate in these events by signing up here


The following bodies and organisations all contributed to this programme: the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Junta de Andalucía, SGAE Foundation, the University of Málaga, the International University of Andalucia, the Andalucian Institute for Women and ASECAN.

Information about AAMMA here

If you are a member of EWA and would like to attend the event on the 23 April, please write to