The Role of Women in the Industry in Antalya Film Forum
In the premises of the Su Hotel in Antalya (Turkey), several debates on Gender Equality were held in the context of Antalya Film Forum. EWA Network was there once more.
Francine Raveney introduced the recent Eurimages recommendations and EWA Network, followed by Simona Nobile presenting the Mentoring Programme and other initiatives, as well as EWA’s presence in Festivals. Debra Zimmermann introduced Women Make Movies’ activities. Nisan Dag from Femmes Fatales also stressed the fact that some ’sensitive’ issues of films made by women and on some aspects of women’s life can be controversial in countries such as Turkey.
The audience was mainly participants at the Film Forum and balanced with strong male presence, and emerging female directors and producers. The Q&A stressed the importance of networking, empowerment, the difficulty to access financing and the lack of representation of female stories.