EWA Network’s Annual event in the Berlinale on 19 February 2024
EWA Network will celebrate once again its ANNUAL MEMBERS EVENT in Berlin, now in partnership with UNI europa (The European Services Workers Union) and our long-stand partner the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin. We will be delighted to share this with members, friends and people aiming for change in Berlinale. The day will be filled with both interesting content to public as well as EWA Network's member-exclusive programming.
We will start the event off with a keynote after which we will explain the activities accomplished in 2023, projects supported and new initiatives. Then you can join specific programming, such as a panel on the Gender Pay Gap in the European audiovisual sector and the day will be wrapped with our cocktails and mocktails.
ACT 1 – EWA Member-Only Session
14:00 - 14:05 welcome & opening remarks by Anamaria Antoci
14:05 - 14:25 EWA 2023 in numbers by Alexia Muiños Ruiz
- Showcase of projects supported by EWA Network
- Overview of EWA’s dynamic and varied online hangouts and talks.
ACT 2- What do we know about the gender pay gap in the European audiovisual sector? How transparent is our sector in this field and why does pay transparency matters? What are the different factors beyond the gender pay gap in our industry, and what can we do to reduce it?
Those questions (and more) will be addressed by a panel of industry representatives who have been working on the topic on reducing the gender pay gap in the last months, or who are willing to explore new ways of actions in the future.
Join the discussion to learn, share your experience, and be inspired to act for equality!
Esther Schmidt, Vrouwen in Beeld/Women in the Picture, Netherlands
Pauline Durand-Vialle, Federation of European Screen Directors
Christian Juhl Lemche, Danish Film Institute
Edel Brosnan, EWA Network
Daphné Tepper, Media, Entertainment & Arts sector of UNI Europa
The panel will be moderated by Anamaria Antoci, EWA Network
Please make sure to register here: Registration form