
EAO report on directors

First results of the report were presented at the Observatory conference “Girls just wanna have film!” in May 2014.

Focusing on the number of films and admissions as main indicators and some other variables, this special report “Female directors in European film productions” analyses the place of woman in today’s film industry.

Within the same period 8.9% of the admissions for European films went to films by female directors.

These figures are drawn from the European Audiovisual Observatory’s latest report: Female directors in European film productions. State of play and evolution between 2003 and 2012produced by Film Analyst Julio Talavera Milla.This first-of-its-kind pan-European analysis of films by female directors (produced using the Observatory’s LUMIERE database on admissions of films released in Europe) reveals that only 16.3% of the European films produced between 2003 and 2012 were shot by female directors. This percentage is even lower when it comes to the share of admissions, with European films by women directors accounting for 8.9% of the total admissions in Europe during the same period.

“The aim of the report was to provide solid figures on the issue”, says André Lange, Head of the Department for Information on Markets and Financing. “The objective was not to make an in-depth analysis of origins of the imbalance between genders in film direction and even less to provide recommendations on how to improve the situation. We just hope that this data will contribute to reinforcing the awareness on the issue and provide references for the continuing debate”.

The whole article can be read here

Report available at EAO website