Privacy Disclaimer
These general terms of use ("terms"), which are governed by French law, set out the terms and conditions of use of the website “” (collectively, including all content and functionality available through the website, the “website”), published by EWA Network. By accessing/visiting or using the website in accordance with the terms set out below (whether you are a registered user or unregistered user), either an individual or a single entity ("you" or "your" as applicable), you expressly and unconditionally agree to the terms and all other policies of EWA network including but not limited to, EWA Network’s privacy policy. if you are not an individual, you represent to EWA Network that you have all necessary corporate or equivalent authority and power to agree to the terms which you agree shall be binding on the corporation, partnership, association or other entity in whose name you are registering as a user and establishing an account. If you do not agree to any of these terms, you may not use the website.
1. DESCRIPTION OF THE WEBSITE is an innovative website which enables users to access, view, upload, share and comment on videos and other information. Since the Website is not designed to back up data, you are responsible for taking all necessary precautions in that regard. Finally, and in accordance with Internet practice and custom, advertisements may be incorporated into the Website.
If you have registered and have an Ewa Network members’ login account pursuant to which you upload video files you create or share project concepts, including comments on videos, (“Your Content”), EWA Network does not own Your Content. By making Your Content accessible to other users (as a body, or by individual group), you agree to allow any users of the Website free of charge and for personal use only, to view and transmit Your Content on or through the Website, on other electronic communication media or technology (e.g. mobile phones), for the entire period in which Your Content is hosted on the Website. In addition, for the entire period in which your content is hosted and strictly by means of the features that enable the Website to be accessed via the Internet or through other electronic communication media or technology, you authorise us to reproduce/display Your Content and, as necessary, adjust its format for that purpose. Please note that due to the intrinsic nature of the Internet, data transmitted – including Your Content - are not protected against the risks of misappropriation and/or piracy, for which we shall not be liable. You are responsible for taking all appropriate steps to protect such data, where applicable.
Other users of the members’ login section have provided other content subject to the Terms and other notices and policies set forth on the Website. You may access other users’ content solely:
for your information and personal use; as intended through the normal functionality of the Website.
The Website is our exclusive property. As a general matter, we grant you a free, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the Website, which right is conditioned on your compliance with the Terms. All other rights are expressly excluded without our prior written consent. The Content (other than Your Content and other users' content) included on or accessible through the members’ login section, such as text, graphics, logos, names, designations, button icons, features, functionalities, images, audio clips, information, data, photographs, graphs, videos, typefaces, graphics, music, sounds, and other material and software (the “EWA Network Content”), is the exclusive property of EWA Network and its licensors and is protected by copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights and is subject to applicable laws and regulations. We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable and revocable right to access and use the Website, which right is conditioned on your compliance with the Terms. EWA Network content may not be downloaded, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of EWA Network or EWA Network’s licensors. You agree to not use or exploit the EWA Network Content in any manner inconsistent with any of the rights granted or restrictions set forth herein, including, without limitation, prohibitions on downloading, redistribution, alteration, deletion and deactivation of any content protection mechanisms. You are not allowed to modify, enhance, edit, translate, adapt, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based upon or otherwise alter in part or in full any EWA Network Content. All rights not expressly granted in the Terms are reserved to EWA Network and its licensors.
We are under no legal obligation to monitor content transmitted via or stored on the Website. Our only obligations as host concern (i) the fight against certain content in accordance with prohibited content regulations, (ii) the retention of your connection data, which is moreover subject to an obligation of confidentiality and treated in compliance with the laws and regulations relating to personal data, and (iii) the removal of all clearly illegal content which has been effectively brought to our attention.
As a supplier of content on the members’ login section, including videos, comments on videos, and so on, you are required to comply with the laws and regulations in force. You are thus responsible for ensuring that Your Content stored on or disseminated through the Website (i) does not violate the intellectual property rights of third parties (including video-clips, television shows, animated and unanimated short, medium and/or feature-length films and advertisements that you have not personally created or for which you have not obtained the necessary authorisations from third parties or copyright royalty collection organizations who hold the rights to them), (ii) does not cause personal injury (including defamation, insults, abuse, etc.) or an invasion of privacy, or (iii) is not contrary to public policy and accepted moral standards (including attempts to justify crimes against humanity, incite racial hatred, child pornography, etc.).
By uploading or disseminating images to or through the Website, you warrant that you are not uploading any infringing material and expressly warrant that you have all necessary rights and/or authorizations from the copyright owner(s) and have paid any royalties or other fees pursuant to any licenses or permissions you may have with owners of copyright royalty collection organizations.
Failure to comply with these provisions will result in Your Content being removed as set out in paragraph 5 and/or your account being deactivated without prior notice. In addition, you may be personally liable to the specific criminal sanctions applicable to the content in question (fines and imprisonment), in addition to being ordered to pay damages, where applicable. In view of the collective nature of the Website and out of consideration for the feelings of all, users are responsible for maintaining certain ethical standards with respect to the videos and/or comments made available online and, in particular, for refraining from disseminating any violent or pornographic content. A “this video may offend” link appears next to each Player in order to allow misuse to be reported by other users, should this be necessary.
In order to use the members’ login section’s features, you must set up an account using the online registration form. You are free to modify the personal data you provide on the form at any time. Upon validating the form, you will receive an e-mail asking you to click on a link in order to confirm your registration. You may access your account by entering your user ID and password, which you alone are responsible for keeping secure. Registration entitles you to use the members’ login section for a year. We reserve the right to terminate your use of the Website at any time, by e-mail, subject to reasonable notice. Failure to satisfy your aforementioned obligations in respect of liability may result in access to your personal space being temporarily or permanently suspended, immediately and without notice, through the deactivation of your account, without prejudice to any other rights we may have.
In principle, the Website may be accessed 24/7, except in the event of a scheduled or unscheduled interruption for maintenance or in the event of force majeure. Since we are automatically subject to an obligation to use our best endeavours, we shall not be liable for damage of any kind due to the Website being unavailable.
The computer registers stored on our systems in accordance with standard safety practices shall be considered proof of e-mails exchanged, registration forms sent, videos downloaded and comments posted. Registration forms are stored on reliable and durable media, as required by current law. It is agreed that in the event of a contradiction between our computer registers and any paper or electronic documents in your possession, our computer registers shall be authoritative.