Articles EWA's News

Women in European cinema: are we making progress? Online panel

Women in European cinema: are we making progress?
Presentation of the latest quantitative and qualitative studies

An event organised by the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA Network), UNI Europa - Media, Entertainment & Arts (EUROMEI), and the European Film Agency Directors Association (EFAD)
in partnership with the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the Federation of European Screen Directors (FERA), the Lab Femmes de Cinema, the European Audiovisual Observatory,) and Cineuropa.

For the third consecutive year (see here 2021 and 2020 events), a group of organisations and research bodies in the European audiovisual sector are organising an online event to keep track of the latest developments related to the presence of women in European cinema. The main objective, 5 years after the emergence of #metoo, and two years passed the ‘50/50 by 2020’ target, remains to keep the topic on the agenda, to monitor progress, and to identify priority actions for the future.

If you would like to benefit from live interpretation in English, French and Spanish and have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers, please register here

The meeting will also be live streamed on the website of Cineuropa (in English only)

Draft agenda

Online panel, Wednesday 7 December, 10:00 to 11:30 CET

10:00    Welcome and moderation of the exchanges
- Dearbhal Murphy, International Federation of Actors

10:05    Presentation of the latest gender statistics of the European Audiovisual Observatory
-  Patrizia Simone, Film Industry analyst, Department for Market Information.

10:25    Presentation of the 2022 update of the Lab Femmes de Cinéma study
- Lise Perottet, General Coordinator and Fabienne Silvestre, co-founder of the Lab

10:45    Comments from:
- Iris Zappe-Heller, Deputy Director of the Austrian Film Institute and Chair of EFAD Working Group on Gender and Inclusion
- Eleonor Fahlén, Scen & Film - the Swedish Union for Performing Arts and Film and Chair of the UNI MEI Global Women Working Group
- Pauline Durand-Vialle, CEO, Federation of European Screen Directors

Q&A – exchange with the audience

11:25     Conclusions
- Edel Brosnan, Director of Strategy, EWA Network

This meeting is being organized with the support of the European Union

Project 101048758 — Equality in AV
