The Swedish Rhapsody has been awarded as the Best project at Plataforma Valencia DocsLab 2018.

Congratulations to the team of The Swedish Rhapsody, the new project by Intropia Media, produced by Serrana Torres.
An encrypted radio message, cyphered using a verse from Garcia Lorca, puts us on the track of a poet , Karin Lannby, who named her only book (Cante Jondo), full of doubts and wishes.
Following her trail, we embark on an epic voyage from the Spanish Civil War, passing through WW2-neutral, spy-infested Stockholm, all the way up to (post) Cold War Paris. This is the story of a Swedish woman, a poet, an actress and an unknown spy that captivated personalities like Buñuel, Bergman, Lorca and Salvatore Giuliano.
Production Company: Intropíamedia
Producer: Serrana Torres
Director: Fran Ruvira
Length: 80 min
This is the story of a mysterious Swedish woman, Karin Lannby (1916-2007), spy, writer and actress, who captivated personalities such as Buñuel, Bergman, Lorca or Cocteau. Following her trail, we embarked on an epic journey from the Spanish Civil War, through the neutral Stockholm of the 2nd World War to the Cold War in Paris. Her adventures challenge us in a story combining reality and imagination, depicting a character worthy of spy movies.
Currently they are looking for co-production and distibution partners.
Contact: Serrana Torres