
New Research about Gender Equality in Montenegrin Film Industry

Alexia Muiños Ruiz
Alexia Muiños Ruiz

Gender Equality in Montenegrin Film Industry

The Film Centre of Montenegro conducted the research on Gender Equality in Montenegrin Film Industry, using the methodology of EWA Study on gender inequality in the film industry “WHERE ARE THE WOMEN DIRECTORS IN EUROPEAN FILMS? GENDER EQUALITY REPORT ON FEMALE DIRECTORS (2006-2013).

The issue of gender equality in Montenegrin film industry was recognized by National Programme for Montenegrin Cinema Development 2018 – 2023 as one of its priority fields of action, with the desired goal of achieving the equal representation of both genders in almost all segments of the film industry.

The research covered the period from 2006 to 2019. The findings, which were presented at EFARN meeting in October in Prague, were based on two sources:

1) a quantitative survey giving available data on the presence of women film professionals involved in Montenegrin film industry (film schools, professional associations, film production companies, etc);

2) and a questionnaire, with 30 respondents, of which 60% women and 40% men.

The research also included the Bechdel-Wallace test, through which feature fiction films produced between 2006 and 2019 were analyzed.

The authors of the research, Sanja Jovanović (Film Centre of Montenegro) and Jelena Mišeljić (University of Montenegro - Faculty for Dramatic Arts, EWA member), are currently working on the other part of the research – the analysis of female characters in Montenegrin films from 2006 to 2019.

With these findings, a comprehensive study on Women in Montenegrin Cinema will be published soon.