Articles EWA's News

MRST closes in Barcelona

Alexia Muiños Ruiz
Alexia Muiños Ruiz

Multiple Revenue Stream Training Closes in Barcelona

After the workshops in Glasgow (26-28 June 2015) and Amsterdam (23-25 October 2015), producers, directors, writers and other inspiring content creators gathered in the last workshop of the European Women’s Audiovisual Network flagship course "Multiple Revenue Stream Training", in Barcelona (22-24 January 2016)

The 3rd workshop, held in the premises of Spanish copyright collecting society SGAE, was opened by Creative Europe Media-Desk Catalonia rep, Àlex Navarro , who welcomed the participants.

Carme Puig of the Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) explained the possibilities of co-producing with Catalonia and financing opportunities for international projects.

Throughout the weekend, the participants explained the progress in their projects, received feedback on their assignments and attended high-level masterclasses such as:

  • Cross-media financing and distribution case-studies (Hocus Pocus: Alfie Atkins) with Kristin Ulseth, producer, Maipo
  • New distribution models: "Painless" and "Carmina y Amen" with distributor Manuel Monzón, A Contracorriente Films
  • The marketing expert Marta Baldó (Working at Weekend) explained in detail how she handled the targeted campaigns for either a documentary (Gabo) and a fiction film (Loreak).
  • Challenges of entering a competitive film market, and the associated costs and rewards with Manuela BuonoSlingshot Films
  • New distribution models: the example of EDEN (European Distributors and Exhibitors Network) with Eva Morsch-Kihn, Cinélatino
  • Distribution: dealing with exhibitors and film festival strategy with Erica Anderson, Seed and Spark

The participants pitched their projects on Sunday to a board of experts.

After the pitches, EWA’s president, Isabel de Ocampo presented the certificates for successfully completing all the required coursework and to wrap up the training, a networking cocktail in the bohemian neighbourhood of Gracia.

Do you want to be more tech-savvy to market and distribute your future films?

This multidisciplinary course provides guidance on strategic digital film marketing and distribution strategies.The key objective of MRST4FF is to equip European audiovisual professionals with the necessary skills to reach a wide international audience in the context of digital convergence, through an innovative training course designed with experts in online marketing & distribution and new business models for the film industry. Participants were taught to consider films in terms of digitized data content, thereby helping them to see their projects in the context of innovative business models which can help generate multiple revenues.

Stay tuned for updates on the next edition!!