Ewa Network is again a partner ofGEMMA programme
GEMMA is an Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies coordinated by a Consortium of seven European universities: the University of Granada (Spain, coordinator), the University of Bologna (Italy), Central European University (Vienna, Austria), the University of York (United Kingdom), the University of Lódź (Poland), the University of Oviedo (Spain), and the University of Utrecht (The Netherlands).
Since 2006, the program has been selected four times for renewal by the European Commission and is considered a benchmark for Women's and Gender Studies at the European level. With the shared aim of bringing together teaching and research in Women’s and Gender Studies in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences, this programme provides students with the opportunity to gain expertise on a wide range of topics and lines of research taught by lecturers of great prestige in the aforementioned fields. An added value to this master’s degree is the structure of the programme which consists of two years of study at two chosen centers out of the seven prestigious European universities that compose the master’s Consortium.
With forty mobility combinations and asked to choose among those options, students are offered the unique opportunity to obtain two master's degrees issued by the two universities where their studies are carried out.Among the most outstanding achievements of GEMMA’s Erasmus Mundus Master and Consortium are the creation and consolidation of the Life Long Learning EDGES Project: Joint European PhD programme in Women’s and Gender Studies, aimed at designing a prototype for a joint European Doctorate model in Women's and Gender Studies, financed by the European Commission.
In 2015, the Consortium obtained a European Commission project within the Horizon 2020"Marie Sklodowska-Curie" Actions (MSCA) competitive research program: “GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe” (Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe) which was followed by another MSCA project,"EUTERPE:European Literatures and Gender in a Transnational Perspective" (2022-2026).
These projects have established solid collaborations with prestigious publishing houses such as Routledge or Peterlang where their results are being published. Such are the cases with the GRACE series in Routledge (4 volumes out already), th"Researching with GEMMA " collection in Peterlang (Feminist Research Alliances: Affective convergences (vol. I) and Etnografía y Feminismos. Restituyendo saberes y prácticas de investigación (vol. II)) or the Transnational Gender Literatures series at Central European University Press.