EWA Network launches a new inititiave for documentary projects
EWA members can join EWA Endorsed documentary showroom at Pitch the Doc with their existing documentary film project. This is a great opportunity to increase your project's visibility and access to market.
This is for EWA members only, if you are not a member, you can register here.
What is EWA Endorsed at Pitch the Doc?
Pitch the Doc is a hub for documentary professionals. It is a platform for continuous presentation and building of international recognition of curated documentary film projects at any stage of production, on any topic and from any country.
Based on international pitching standards, EWA Endorsed Showroom at Pitch the Doc allows to keep complete project packages updated and always ready to be accessed by co-producers and decision makers from around the world. That makes the EWA Endorsed Showroom at Pitch the Doc a valuable way for creating new contacts and for maintaining relations established during pitchings, co-production meetings and markets.
The Offer
With your project at EWA Endorsed Showroom at Pitch the Doc you can:
- keep your project up-to-date and ready to be shared with potential partners
- introduce it to registered decision makers as well as unregistered professionals
- create and download a PDF file with current project data with one click
- build a history of milestones in project development
- submit it to the next event partnering with PtD
- share the project instantly directly from your mobile device with PtD Viewer app.