Films produced by EWA members Marion Guth (This is my heart), Silvana Santamaria (The Witness), Sylvia Nagel (Riefenstahl) ,Paula Vaccaro ( Nineteen) and Vicky Miha (Quiet Life) will have their premieres at the 81 Venice international Film Festival
Ceci est mon coeur to its World Premiere at the prestigious 81st Venice International Film Festival in the immersive official competition.
After 4 years of intense work, the teams of a_BAHN (co-founder and EWA member Marion Guth) and Velvet Flare have accomplished this little miracle of storytelling and technology which is This Is My Heart, directed by Nicolas Blies & Stéphane Hueber-Blies.
Riefenstahl, directed by Andres Veiel and produced by Vincent Productions, will be showing Out of Competition
EWA member Sylvia Nagel worked in the production team who made RIEFENSTAHL, a documentary about one of the most controversial women of the 20th century and providing newly accessible documents from Leni Riefenstahl’s personal estate to shed light on the origins and impact of her work.
Quiet Life, directed by Alexandros Avranas and co-produced by Asterisk * (Ewa member Vicky Miha) will be competing in Orizzonti sidebar section.
he film is produced by Les Films du Worso in France in co-production with Fox in the Snow in Sweden, Playground & asterisk* in Greece, Amrion in Estonia, Making Movies in Finland and Senator in Germany.
SHAHED (The Witness) by Nader Saeivar and produced by Said Nur Akkuş and Silvana Santamaria will have its World premiere in la Biennale at Orizzonti section.
The film is produced by Said Nur Akkuş , Silvana Santamaria , Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber and it counts with Jafar Panahi and Nader Saeivar as screenwriters
Diciannove (Nineteen) by Giovanni Tortorici and produced by Frenesy (Luca Guadagnino) and Pinball London (Ewa member Paula Vaccaro) will compete in the Orizzonti section after its international premiere in Toronto.
Leonardo, 19, leaves Palermo to start university in London. However, living with his sister and her roommate, the initial excitement soon wanes. Restless, he impulsively enrols at the University of Siena to study literature and falls in love with the city. There, he finds his literature professor unbearable, so he quits and decides to dive into Italian classics on his own. This reflective solitude sparks an inner journey of self-discovery, intensified by encounters with other young people. A year later, Leonardo travels to Torino, where he meets a man who may free him from his obsessions.