
SACD reports:Drop of women-directed films on French theaters and TV

Where are the women in the cultural sector? Still not there…


For the past 5 years, the SACD has analysed in partnership with the HF movement, the Laboratoire de l’Egalité, and Le Deuxième Regard the number of projects led by women released in the performing arts, the audiovisual sector and the cinema in France. The verdict is crystal clear: nothing has changed; the presence of women in the French cultural sector remains very low.

Despite an acknowledgement of the situation, despite declarations in the media, despite political commitments, punctual efforts and impressions of success, the numbers published by the SACD show that there is still a long way to go to achieve equal representation for women.

In average only 14% of the films seen on French television between 2010 and 2014 were directed by women. Furthermore, the number of female-directed films released in the theatres has shrunk from 25% of overall films in 2012 to 14% in 2015.

This year, with the French presidential election coming up, the SACD has decided to articulate 7 recommendations and 7 objectives to achieve gender equality in the arts.

For more information on the brochure released by the SACD, follow this link: