Second Call: Promoting the Role and Image of Women in the Southern Mediterranean Audiovisual Sector
TOWARDS GREATER GENDER EQUALITY: Promoting the Role and Image of Women in the Southern Mediterranean Audiovisual Sector
SECOND CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Deadline for submission: 23 February 2018, 12:00 (CET)
The project Towards Greater Gender Equality: Promoting the Role and Image of Women in the Southern Mediterranean Audiovisual Sector – SouthMed WiA, is designed to promote gender equality and support the film sector [1] in seven Southern Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia.
The overall objective of SouthMed WiA is to strengthen the capacities of the audiovisual operators in the target countries to contribute to sustainable development and cultural diversity, by promoting gender equality and enhancing the image of women in the film sector.
In this framework, the objective of this call for applicants is to support projects addressing weaknesses and issues related to gender equality and the under-representation of women in the audiovisual sector, both on the screen and behind the camera, including the perpetuation of stereotypes relating to the image of women in Arab societies, with the ultimate goal of influencing widespread cultural attitudes and public opinion.
SouthMed WiA will support the beneficiaries of the grants during the implementation of the projects by providing capacity building activities and continuous coaching.
The present call contains three lots:
- Lot 1: Research activities
- Lot 2: Training
- Lot 3: Awareness raising and advocacy
The indicative amount available for the 3 lots is EUR 420 000.
Any grant requested under this call for proposals must fall between minimum EUR 80 000 and maximum EUR 100 000. Applicants (lead applicants and partners applicants) cannot submit more than one application.SouthMed WiA reserves the right not to award all available funds if the submitted applications do not fill the selection criteria.
SouthMed WiA is implemented by a consortium led by Interarts, Spain, in partnership with: Culture & Media Agency Europe (CUMEDIAE), Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (COPEAM), The Screen Institute Beirut (SIB), Superior School of Audiovisual and Cinema of Tunisia (ESAC) and in association with the European Women’s Audiovisual Network (EWA). For the purpose of the present call for proposals, Interarts will act as “contracting party” on behalf of the consortium.
SouthMed WiA is funded by the European Union within the framework of the regional Programme MedFilm designed to contribute to cultural diversity and development by promoting equality, namely gender equality in the southern Mediterranean region through support to the film sector.
More information and downloadble forms HERE
[1]The term “film sector” is used throughout the call as a synonym for the “audiovisual sector” which includes fiction, documentary and animation, be them for theatrical release, TV programmes or the web.