Articles EWA's News

Clinic for key scenes with Fernanda Rossi

Improve your skills in Two Case Studies with writer, film theorist and speaker Fernanda Rossi

We are so excited with the forthcoming working sessions!

We have teamed up with Fernanda Rossi, writer, film theorist and director in some unique case studies for EWA members. The programme started in May, with three case studies and will continue in June. It will be held in English and is designed to entirely take place on-line.

SAVE THE DATES and add a new tool to work on your script and footage!

Have you re-written or re-edited scenes and never know when they are truly done?

“Fernanda is the best. A real gem. Independent filmmaking is such "do-it-yourself" world that it's out of the ordinary to have someone who understands the process completely, and can provide fresh and unexpected insight.” William Gazecki, Academy Award Nominee ment of their book and curriculum


In two practical meetings for EWA members only, we’ll explore innovative tools using the principles of semiotics to improve your work. Whether it's a scene (written or already shot and edited) you can practice in real time how to transform your materials from merely good to really great. Each session will use case studies as guidance and the participants can follow along applying the techniques on their own work and ask questions.

WARNING : Highly participatory and fun!

Duration: 2 meetings of 90 minutes each – attend them all or the ones of your choice


Meeting #4: SCENE STUDY. June 14. From 15 to 16:30h.

Case study of one written scene of your script. Re-writing techniques: Point of View, Scene objective, Dialogue.

Meeting #5: EDITED SCENE (filmed and edited. Rough-cut welcome)

Case study of one rough -edited scene. Finding the scene objective and strengthening its emotional arc.


Place: Online streaming live. This is not a pre-recorded seminar.

2 Case Studies


Emerging and pro filmmakers (creative producers, directors, writers) with a project in development.
Participants, without a project, interested in learning from their peers’ work.
Exclusively for EWA members!


You can enroll for these two sessions for 100€.  If you are not an EWA member, you can join us now and partake in these sessions.€

Prepare your CV and your project essentials to sign up and join up.

If you have any questions, please contact us