15 projects directed by women among the 21 projects in the WEMW selection
The 11th edition of the coproduction forum When East Meets West (25 – 28 January) will present 21 film projects from 14 countries, with 15 projects directed by women. The projects will compete for six awards, including a development award from EWA NETWORK to the best project helmed by a a female director. This partnership between WEMW and EWA Network dates back since 2017.
Trieste 2021 will meet a plethora of Ewa members in the sidebar sections and the juries and the 2nd cycle of the Mentoring Programme for Emerging Female Producers.
Here is the full list of 21 projects selected for WEMW:
A Picture to Remember (Ukraine) Directed by Olga Chernykh
A Safe Place (Germany) Directed by Sara Summa
A Winner is Seen at the Start (Kazakhstan) Directed by Zhannat Alshanova ACCIDENTAL FILMS (Kazakhstan)
Age (Sweden) Directed by Gustav Ågerstrand, Åsa Ekman
Bye Mom! (Belgium) Directed by Marie De Hert, Ellen Pollard
Europe-East (Italy) Directed by Elena Rebeca Carini
Fill in the Blanks (Belgium, Iran) Directed by Atiye Zare
Foals (France) Directed by Salomé Hévin, also a photographer
Hilchick (Israel) Directed by Adam Sanderson
Housekeeping for Beginners (North Macedonia) Directed by Goran Stolevski Produced by List Production
King Matt the First (Poland) Directed by Jaśmina Wójcik, Produced by Pinot Films
Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Ukraine) Directed by Antonio Lukić
Misericordia (Italy) Directed by Emma Dante
Paradiso (Italy) Directed by Giulio Mastromauro
Porcupine (Brazil) Directed by Eva Randolph
Practices in Harmony (Hungary) Directed by Anna Kis, Produced by Poste Restante
Slow (Lithuania) Directed by Marija Kavtaradze, Produced by M-Films, by EWA member Marija Razgutė
The Father (Slovakia) Directed by Tereza Nvotova Produced by Danae Production
The Mechanics of Things (France) Directed by Alessandra Celesia
The Return from the Other Planet (Israel) Directed by Assaf Lapid and produced by Black Sheep Films, Naomi Levari, one of the mentors in the EWA Network Mentoring programme
Wise Hassan (Israel) Directed by Tawfik Abu Wael
Alessandro Gropplero, head of WEMW remarked: “We are very happy to see that our final line up will include 8 debut features and 15 films directed by female filmmakers. It is a clear direction we started several years ago, especially thanks to our long term partner EWA Network, and year after year it is showing great results in terms of the quantity and quality of applications. This year like never before, our project selection will be ‘out of the box’ and more diverse in terms of styles, genres, profiles, themes and countries. We are very proud and excited to present this line up as we are sure there is something for each taste.”
Sidebar Sections
Trieste's side sections focus on projects in the post-production phase, as the seventh edition of Last Stop Trieste, the fourth of This is IT, which presents six projects that are being produced or co-produced by Italian outfits and the second edition of the COLD OPEN programme, which is a TV series lab intended for producers who are shifting to high-end TV content. Cold Open is held in partnership with the MIDPOINT Institute.

EWA members in WEMW
We're proud to see EWA members in Last Stop Trieste, as Nadia Trevisan, former mentee and producer of Brotherhood or Madara Melberga, producer of My Mother the State
At This is IT section, Debora Chiara Desio producer of Darkling; Enrica Capra producer of Dogs and Italians Not Allowed and Ilaria Malagutti and Martichka Bozhilova are the producers of Eternity Package. Capra and Bozhilova are mentors in our Mentoring Programme for Emerginf Female producers
At Midpoint Cold Open
Ada Solomon - microFILM (Romania)
Anna M Bofarull - KaBoGa art & films (Spain). Bofarull was a mentee in the 1st edition of EWA Network mentoring Programme
Sarah Pennacchi - Tico Film Company (Italy)