EWA members presence in 75 Festival de Cannes
We are delighted to celerbate the success of EWA members and are so proud of Sasha Kostina (participant in the 2019 edition of the Mentoring Programme) producer of PAMFIR and Laura Briand, co-producer (and mentor in our programme).
Feature film | 102 minWorld premiere | Film in competition for the Caméra d'Or Award
Diretor and Writer: Dmytro Sukholytkyy-Sobchuk
Western Ukraine, on the eve of a traditional carnival. Pamfir returns to his family after months of absence. Their love is so unconditional that when his only child starts a fire in the prayer house, Pamfir has no other choice but to reconnect with his troubled past to repair his son’s fault. He will be taken on a risky path with irreversible consequences.
CHERRIES (UOGOS) Shortfilm Official Selection
The Lithuanian M- Films, founded by EWA member Marija Razguté, has produced the third shortfilm of Vytautas Katkus which will have its World premiere at la Croissette. Good Luck!

impACT LAB Producers
The Guatemalan born and Norwegian based producer and mentee in our Mentoring programme Elisa Fernanda Pirir, is on the impACT LAB program.
WScripted Cannes Screenplay list
We celebrate that 2 EWA members are on this year's WScripted Cannes Screenplay list

CIRCLE Showcase Line Up at Cannes Docs - Marché du Film 2022
Four CIRCLE alumnae participants will have the opportunity to pitch their docs-in-progress during Cannes Docs to festival programmers, sales agents, and other decision-makers and among them, there will be A SAD AND VULGAR LONER, directed by EWA member Efthymia Zymvragaki (Greece) and produced by herself with Girs Medio and participant of the First edition of EWA Mentoring Perogramme, Anna Bofarull (KaBoGa, Spain).
“A Sad and Vulgar Loner” explores what happens when an abusive man speaks out, positioning himself as a critic of violence. Without excusing his acts, the film creates a space in which the abuser has a voice, bringing a new perspective on violence and abuse with a focus on the breaking of violent cycles and the urgent need for a healing process in society. As a child Ernesto experienced his father’s violent attacks against his mother. Once an adult it turned out that he had inherited the patterns of violence. He ended up in a psychiatric hospital after trying to kill his wife and son. It took decades of abusive behavior with different relationships until he recognized he had an issue. He then described his inner conflict in an autobiographical novel. Now it is time to turn it into a movie.