Do you want to improve your Negotiation skills?

If so, sign up for our next workshop with Anja Henningsmeyer, a certified negotiator of the Schranner Institute in Zurich, who will help you tune your communication instrument in order to achieve what you need. The workshop will take place on February 4th, only for EWA members.

If you behave intuitively in negotiations instead of strategically you need not be surprised at mixed or non positive results. To succeed, it is essential to get aware about the effect of different conflict styles – and how to built up negotiation power.

Quoting Hennigsmeyer: "Studies such as those by Harvard professor Deborah Tannen (“Who Gets Heard And Why”) prove that women and men tend to communicate differently – the reason for this lies in socialisation. This often also affects negotiations, which is unfortunate because neither women nor men are aware of these differences–and they have not learnt how to deal with them. We all carry out small and large negotiations every day: for the recognition of our needs, for projects, for making money, etc. It is therefore worthwhile to know how to negotiate consciously and cleverly, because then we can achieve our goals more easily."

Are you not a member yet? You can sign up today

ewa mentoring CLUJ

The 130 minute workshop will deal of two blocks of content:

Main Mistakes & Hidden Needs In Negotiations  and Conflict styles and negotiation power – and how to use the knowledge to succeed in negotiations.

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The workshop will take place on FEBRUARY 4th at 16h. The cost of the workshop for EWA members is 30€.

You will be required to fill in a preparatory questionnaire prior to the course. In order to do that, the deadline to sign up is on February 1st at 12h.

Seats for the workshop are strictly limited and exclusive for EWA members.

Book your seat today. Payment by Stripe, PayPal or Bank Transfer

PAYMENT by PAYPAL. You can send 30€ to indicating in the subject: Negotiation skills workshop. Please, let us know that you chose this option.



Account holder: EWA NETWORK

IBAN: FR76 3000 3023 6300 0500 7629 662


Bank: SG Strasbourg Europe (02363) AV DE L'EUROPE 67000 STRASBOURG

Anja Heningsmeyer

Words create reality. Communication is our instrument for understanding. That is why it is important that this instrument is always properly tuned.

Networking is my profession and dealing with language my passion. I have proved myself in different  disciplines:

  • From 2008 to 2023 I have been the General Manager of the Hessen Film and Media Academy (hFMA), a network of 13 Hessian universities.
  • I am a certified negotiator of the Schranner Institute in Zurich,
  • Author of a book on successful negotiation strategies for woman (in German language),
  • Served 5 years as elected lay assessor at the district court of Frankfurt am Main,
  • Being an active speaker in the Toastmasters Club Frankfurt.

Successful communication demands that what you are saying is understood and accepted by your interlocutor.

Working in communicative areas involving pressure is thus part of my everyday life.

As a trained artist, I am passionate in my desire to pass on knowledge and experience to those willing to learn. For many years I worked in field of event management for film festivals such as the Berlinale and Filmfest Hamburg. For some years I was co-owner of a Hong Kong-based picture agency.

From my practical experience of 25 years of cultural and educational management I have compiled the most effective communication tools. This is content is what I impart in my teaching at universities, companies and cultural institutions. It considers how one can appropriately apply one’s own communication tools in different communication situations such as in negotiations, presentations, in networking and in project management.

All my seminars and workshops are rooted in experience and practice.

Continuing learning is the call of our times: Learning, unlearning and relearning is the way to discover and develop our own enormous potential. It’s fun to activate and develop! I am, therefore, a fan of cultural growth towards what the neurobiologist Gerald Hüther calls a “potential-development society”.

My clients are:


HafenCity University Hamburg
European Business School
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
Goethe University Frankfurt
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences
Offenbach University of Art and Design
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences
RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
TU Braunschweig
Hochschule Coburg

EAVE- Audiovisual Enterpreneurs

VDI – The Association of German Engineers
AIG – American International Group, Germany
KfW Bank, Germany
Federal Office for Information Security (BSI)
Hessischer Landtag (Hessen Parliament)
DSAG – The German-Speaking SAP User Group
Proventa AG, Frankfurt
Media Academy Wiesbaden
Mainraum start up centre for the creative industry, Frankfurt
Luther S.A., Luxembourg
Bücherfrauen e.V.
jumpp Women’s Business
International Toastmasters Conferences  (2014 & 2017)
Economic Junior Chamber Frankfurt