MEDIA desks e IndieLisboa: Diversidade e Inclusão no Sector Cinematográfico e Audiovisual

The Creative Europe MEDIA Desks from Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy will come together at IndieLisboa in a panel around the topic of “Diversity, including gender balance in the film and audiovisual sector”.  See you on May 27th at 5:30 p.m. CEST at Culturgest (Forum debates).

The masterclass, will address the best practices identified in responding to the challenges, as well as the opportunities generated by existing financing, will feature the participation of EWA Network's Director of Streatgy Edel Brosnan, Silvia Sandrone (Media Desk Itália/Turin), Susana Costa Pereira (MEDIA desk Portugal) and Miguel Valverde (IndieLisboa).