EWA Network’s 10th anniversary in the Berlinale on 20 February 2023
Time to deliver on gender equality in the sector!
EWA Network has turned 10 years in 2023 and we will celebrate with members, friends and people aiming for change in Berlinale. The day will be filled with both interesting content to public as well as EWA Network's member-exclusive programming.
EWA Network's Berlinale event will focus on EWA Network's strategic key areas and relevant topics such as the PAY GAP, the Double discrimination faced by women of colour, LGBTQI women, disabled women, older women, and women from lower-income backgrounds and Safety on set and in production.
We will start the event off with a keynote by our founder, Francine Raveney after which you can join specific programming for EWA Network's members only, such as a panel on the Gender pay gap, facts and figures followed by Q&A session, an update on EWA members' projects and new initiatives. Networking coffee break and more activities to follow.
WHEN: February the 20th
WHERE: Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, at Dorotheenstrasse 12, Berlin
Members Only Section 14h- 15:45
14:00 - 14:10 Keynote speech by Francine Raveney, founder of European Women's Audiovisual Network
14:10 - 14:30 2022 in numbers, presented by Alexia Muiños Ruiz
Showcase of projects supported by EWA Network
A winner is seen at the start by Zhannat Alshanova
The woman who poked the leopard by Patience Nitumwesiga. Producer Natalia Imaz
A song that slays by Mo Scarpelli. Producers Alessandro Amato and Luigi Chimienti
14:25 - 14:30 IDM Südtirol. Presentation of RACCONTI programme
14:30 - 15:15 Gender pay gap facts and figures and Q&A session
Speakers: Esther Schmidt ( Vraowen in Beeld), Edel Brosnan, Anamaria Antoci
15:15 - 15:45 Networking Coffee break. We encourage the members to switch the discussion partner every 5 min.
Open discussion. Public event. Women at work in the screen sector. 15:45-17:45
15: 45 Part 1
Double discrimination - additional barriers faced by women of colour, LGBTQI women, disabled women, older women, and women from lower-income backgrounds
Speakers: Melanie Hoyes (Head of Inclusion, BFI), Fatih Abay (Diversity & Inclusion Officer, EFA), Lisa Smith (Producer, RomaTrial)
Moderator: Edel Brosnan
16: 30 Part 2
Safety on set and in production: physical health and safety, best practice in shooting intimate scenes, zero tolerance of harassment and bullying, and better mental health and wellbeing
Speakers: Nataša Bučar (Director, Slovenian Film Centre), Louise Højgaard Johansen (Sane Cinema)
Moderator: Anamaria Antoci
17:15 - 17:25 Announcement of a new initiative powered by EWA Network & WScripted
17:25 - 17:30 Concluding remarks from the EWA team