5 Things You Need to Know to Co-Produce in Europe
What is a co-production? How do you decide whether a project is fit for co-production? What do you if you wish to co-produce your project? How to choose your partners? These are the questions our expert Alessia Sonaglioni will answer during the first Online Hang-Out: 5 Things You Need to Know to Co-Produce in Europe.
The co-productions contribute actively to the dynamism of the film industry. Producers are looking for new ways to develop their projects, within the framework that suits best the needs of their films. An international co-production raises questions such as film nationality or whether a co-production can be motivated on finances or also artistically. Co-productions can be bilateral or multilateral, and can also include non-European partners. Multiple nationality is a legal advantage that generates direct economic benefits (funding) and indirect (box office).
We want to support you during your filmmaking journey and as an EWA member, you have the opportunity of learning how to co-produce in Europe in our September Online Hang-out.
Sign up to 5 Things You Need to Know to Co-Produce in Europe where EWA director Alessia Sonaglioni will walk you through this process and you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and get to know other fellow members of the EWA network, all this from the comfort of your own home or office.
Date: September 25th 2019
Hour: 18:30 CET to 20h
Via: Zoom
How to sign up: EWA members will receive an Eventbrite invitation
Alessia Sonaglioni is a founding member of the EWA Network. With long-standing experience as a media lawyer and program manager at the Council of Europe, she joined Eurimages in 2010 as a project manager gaining experience in legal and financial issues linked to European film co-production. She is also a certified coach and a human rights expert. Her involvement for gender equality comes mainly from her human rights background. She strongly believes that women, half of the world population should have the same opportunities to tell their stories, express themselves and their own talents, and have their stories heard. Alessia is the Executive Director of EWA Network since February 2016.